lauantai 30. heinäkuuta 2016

Gray shades of love

I won't cry for over you
I won't let the darkness reach me
I could love you, that is true
Yet I'm not a preacher

I am a child of love
And for the truth I speak my mind
To get you I won't fight
Or use all means I can find

I see colors of grey that suits me
I see honest ways for love
So why wouldn't we use these
To be together in open and without lie.

To loose you, that would hurt me
And leave a wound in my heart
I will try stop that to come
By leaving selfishness behind

So I will be waiting reward to fall
Standing in love tall
Someone who wants to grap me
Someone to grow old with

PS. Tämä runo kuiski tuossa haluavansa itselleen sävelen. Ja osa sävelestä tulikin jo eilen välittömästi ulos samalla kun kirjoitin runon ylös. Eli tämän osalta jatkoa seuraa...

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